Thursday, January 31, 2013


Today's topic is: expression. In the midst of our busy lives, it's hard to keep track of everything. But I feel as though one of the most overlooked aspects of our lives tends to be the part of us that seeks release. Expression, in any form, is a vital part of human existence. We continue on allowing the stress & pressure to build and if we don't connect ourselves to some sort of outlet, eventually we'll find that we cave under the pressure of everything.

Expression comes in many forms, although I feel that creative expression is the most fulfilling. Whether it's painting, drawing, writing, craft-making, physical activity, etc, the point is that you use your energy in a positive, non-draining way to fulfill that part of your soul.

So, although it's hard to free up some time for quiet introspection, I encourage everyone to make sure it's a priority and do yourself the favor of releasing all bad tension and negative energy. I promise it'll strengthen your quality of life and peace of mind.

xx, Nik


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