Sunday, October 21, 2012

Change of Heart

Just when I feel like giving up, the universe transforms itself back in my favor.

I'm nervous. Excited nervous, for what's to come. This journey is JUST starting... and I've already experienced every emotion, battle, and wound that it could offer. But this is why I keep going:

1. A beautiful customer brought me a cupcake today. I gobbled it up before I could even think to take a picture.

2. My first blog write up! From another encouraging stylish momma! Check it out! Please!

*And ya gotta love that sign she posted. "Friends don't let friends shop at chain stores."

That is what I live/work for. Not the cupcake-eating (well, sorta.)

But the customer service. The retail experience I give to people while they shop. The "retail-therapy" they come in for.

It's not much, but I very much appreciate the little things my customers do to show THEIR appreciation for what I do... (did that make sense??)

Show your appreciation to someone you love!!


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