Tuesday, January 15, 2013


The topic of 'style' has always been elusive to me. The dictionary definition of style explains it as "a particular manner or technique by which something is done, created, or performed". I've always felt that style is a big part of me. The way I present myself, in every aspect, not just aesthetically, has always been carefully thought out with attentive detail to my particular "style". But, I've never felt as though I belonged to one particular form. Style flows from the core and emanates outward. Style isn't just surface-related. Style is a FEELING, an EXPRESSION of yourself.
Now, in relating style to the way you present yourself: it isn't just as simple as what you wear. You don't mindlessly choose your clothing, although for some it may seem that way. Subconsciously, you are choosing items to represent yourself and what you stand for. I've always loved the idea of expressing myself through my appearance. I've definitely been on the wilder side, at times choosing vivid clothing and hairstyles to make a statement. I've gone through many phases over the years, connecting each one and taking pieces from the last. I've allowed myself to belong to certain stereotypes at times. But at this point in my life, I feel as though committing myself to one certain type of style would be robbing myself of all the colorful landscapes of creative possibility. I observe and intake the styles of those around me and everything I see, strangers, media, etc. And to be honest, it baffles me how some people can adjust themselves to one particular look & feel, always staying so safe in what they feel is the perfect representation of themselves. The ones who's style I admire most are those who are unafraid to take risks, to step out of their comfort zone, and project some different, hidden part of their personality. But all the while, doing so in a manner that always seems to leave a bit of mystery, because the most enticing auras are the ones that leave you a little on the edge of your seat, wanting just one more glimpse.
I belong to a plethora of feelings which I express depending on what is most prominent at the time when I am putting myself together. I may be feeling a little tomboy-ish, so I'll wear some sneakers and jeans with a camo jacket, or if I'm feeling womanly I'll wear a tight dress and heels. Sometimes when I am feeling free, I won't even wear shoes, just a long flowy shirt and shorts. If I'm feeling edgy my make-up will be darker. Or if I'm feeling awe-inspired and innocent I won't even wear make-up at all. Style is lovely because it is a pure expression of what we feel, and who we are. Some may view it as a superficial topic but I find that even those who claim they "don't care" about it are unintentionally displaying themselves anyways.
So, at this point in time I find that I've taken certain aspects of every look I've embraced at one point, and mixed them all together into one large mecca of creative fusion. I am always learning from those around me, always excited to witness new styles and adjust mine. I think that everyone eventually reaches a point where they feel they can express themselves satisfactorily, but even the path that leads to that point is a fulfilling journey. I know that I'll never confine myself to one certain viewpoint, but instead remain open and flowing towards anything that feels right.

lately, my current style's been something along the lines of this:

simple, yet classy. white mocassins, skinny black pants (rolled up) and a collared shirt.

...But I'm sure it won't last :p. 

xx, Nik

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